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How much PurrProp?
Simply follow the steps below to calculate the amount of PurrProp
How Many Propellors does your vessel have?
One Propellor only 3
Twin Propellors
What is your vessels Propellor size?
45cm to 60cm (18" to 24")
60cm to 90cm (24" to 36")
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
1 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
From the information that you have provided, we suggest:
2 x 250ml Kit
What are you coating?
Propellor Only 2
Propellor and Shaft
Propellor, Shaft, Rudder and Trim Tabs
How many Propellers?
Single Propellor
Twin Propellors
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